Did your family just wiretap you?

This year, some of the country’s hottest gifts come with a free surprise: a government listening device. That’s why we’re proud to present you with S.T.O.P.’s first annual holiday gift guide, helping you keep your family safe from the newest in-home surveillance.
  • Amazon Halo: Like other fitness trackers, this wristband collects your heart rate and sleep habits. Creepily, the Halo also tries to profile your emotions with your voice and measure body fat via selfies, and might sell all that data to the highest bidder.
  • KidKraft 2-in-1 Kitchen & Market: The first Alexa-connected playset not only hooks the kids on virtual assistants – it potentially records playtime.
  • Ring "Always Home" Drone: This surveillance system will sweep you and your privacy off your feet, flying through and recording every inch of your home. Now, your bedroom can feel as cozy as a CIA airfield, but for just a fraction of the price.

We know that you’re probably not the sort to purchase these devices, but maybe your friends or family are. We can’t stop them from buying invasive tech – but we can fight in court and at city hall to stop police from tapping into all of the data that “smart” devices collect. Support S.T.O.P. today and give your loved ones the gift of privacy this holiday season.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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