NYC Holiday Guide: Places You And Your Face Should Avoid!


New York City isn’t home to much greenery, but there happens to be one weed growing fast in the concrete jungle. Involuntary facial recognition is blanketing public spaces all over the city. Regardless of intentions, constant collection of New Yorkers’ biometric information can, unsurprisingly, lead to trouble down the road. Unlike a credit card number, you can’t change your facial data if it enters the wrong hands.

This year, S.T.O.P. helped launch the Ban the Scan campaign to outlaw facial recognition in New York City public spaces, including grocery stores, apartment buildings, and entertainment venues. While this is a major step, your biometric information is currently still up for grabs. Ever wonder what spots in the city are the worst when it comes to facial recognition? Check out our Holiday NYC Guide: Places you and your face should avoid!
Madison Square Garden
How often are the Rangers and Knicks sharp at the same time? We know it’s hard to resist a trip to the Garden, but the buzzer might sound on your biometric freedom far sooner than either of these teams win another championship.
Radio City Music Hall
While we know the Rockettes are a holiday staple, just consider your privacy so you’re not kicking yourself later.
Beacon Theatre
Be smart when you see your favorite comedian, otherwise someone else might be laughing down the road.
Citi Field
Citi Field is the first Major League ballpark that lets you use your face as your ticket. We advise against that. Hey, it might be more worthwhile to catch a baseball game in the Bronx, anyway. Just saying.

Facial recognition is on the rise, but there is still time to stop it! Donating to S.T.O.P. allows us to fight for your freedom to have a night out, root for your favorite teams, buy food, and go to sleep without giving up your biometric data. From now until December 31st, any donation will be matched 5x by a generous donor. Your help now will go further than ever!
Make an impact here!
P.S., For those who received our crossword in the mail, here are the answers:

1. Amazon | 2. Citi Field | 3. Garden | 4. Apartment | 5. Radio City | 6. Beacon
Warmest regards,
Gabe Quagliata
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