Protecting Privacy Will Save Lives

COVID-19 is testing New York in a way none of us could have imagined.
Sadly, the NYPD response is just more of the same: more arrests, more policing of communities of color, and even more surveillance. As our region prepares for an unprecedentedly invasive contact tracing program, we need to ensure that we protect New Yorkers’ data.
We’ve asked you to help with the Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology (POST) Act before, a long-overdue check on NYPD surveillance. If we don’t act, the NYPD will expand its power, driving many of those New Yorkers most in danger from COVID-19 into the shadows. But if you take just 5 minutes to support our effort, you can help safeguard New Yorkers’ lives and privacy.
We can start to undo decades of  NYPD surveillance abuse in the coming days, but only if Corey Johnson schedules a vote. Help us pass the POST Act by asking City Council Speaker Corey Johnson to immediately schedule a vote for this vital legislation.

TWEET: Send Speaker Johnson a message on Twitter using @CoreyInNYC, @ NYCSpeakerCoJo, and #POSTAct
EMAIL: Email Speaker Johnson at
CALL: Reach Speaker Johnson by phone at 212-788-7210. (If leaving a voicemail, please leave your street address to ensure your call is tallied.)
The sample script:
Hi! My name is [NAME].
I’m calling to request that Speaker Johnson, call for a vote on the Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology, or “POST Act” - Int 0487-2018. This surveillance oversight legislation was needed before the COVID-19 crisis and is only more vital now. Contact tracing can only curb the spread of this disease if we have public trust and participation. But NYPD abuses make many of those communities of color and immigrant communities hit hardest by COVID-19 most skeptical of the City’s expanded surveillance, fearing that contact tracing data may be shared with law enforcement or even ICE. I ask you to ensure that New Yorkers’ private information is kept safe during this crisis and beyond by calling a vote for the passage of the POST Act.
Nearly two-thirds of your city council colleagues have already signed on to support this cause. Will you commit to supporting a vote on the bill at the next stated meeting of City Council? With your support, we know the POST Act can be enacted imminently. We look forward to your reply
and assistance. Thank you for your consideration.
Your support could help us finally past the POST Act, and protect the privacy of all New Yorkers.  

With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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