We won our facial recognition lawsuit!

When we sued the MTA over facial recognition, they denied the allegations and the N.Y. Post called us names like “surveillance truthers.” Well, the verdict is in, and we won!

In a decision last week, the New York State Supreme Court ruled the MTA wrongly withheld records on facial recognition in the Times Square subway station. The transit agency wanted to hold back documents without an explanation, but the court ruled “there can be no dispute” S.T.O.P. is entitle to more.

Excitingly, we were also awarded attorney’s fees, show the MTA that it has to pay for forcing us to go to court just to get the public’s records.

We’re incredibly grateful to our pro bono partners at Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP, who worked with S.T.O.P. since our earliest days to fight for privacy reforms. Weil and our other pro bono partners amplify S.T.O.P.’s civil rights work, joining with us to conduct research, bring lawsuits, and more. If you are an attorney who is interested in learning more about our volunteer opportunities, please contact legal@stopspying.org.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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