sarah roth - Advocacy & communications Associate (Former)

Sarah Roth graduated from Vassar College in June 2021, with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Psychology. She enjoys winged eyeliner, old movie soundtracks, and aimless strolls. In the summer of 2019, Sarah forayed into public service as a U.S. congressional intern. This experience precipitated her interest in non-profit advocacy and oversight, leading her to organize with anti-militarism groups resisting incursions on human, democratic, and civil rights. Sarah’s research and activism surrounding the U.S.’s willful propagation of war and unjust global security infrastructures directed her attention to domestic parallels in local policing, criminal procedure, and DHS policies. Recognizing the scale and speed at which mass surveillance is discriminately violating civil liberties, Sarah is eager to support the crucial work of S.T.O.P. and collaborate with New York communities most directly affected by the growing surveillance apparatus.